Manage 10Duke Scale Local License Server versions

Use the 10Duke Scale UI console to manage the versions of 10Duke Local License Servers.

Manage Local License Server versions in the UI console

To manage the versions of 10Duke Local License Servers, go to SETTINGS > Local license servers using the 10Duke Scale UI console.

Local license servers list

The list shows the available and enabled versions of Local License Servers. You can manage the versions of Local License Servers as follows:

  • To enable a version of the Local License Server, click the plus (+) icon on the right, and click Yes to confirm the change.

  • To disable a version of the Local License Server, click the trash can icon on the right, and click Yes to confirm the deletion.

    Note: This will also remove the Local License Servers created for the end customers.

  • To view the details of a Local License Server version, click the arrow icon to expand the row.

  • To download the installation file for the Local License Server, click the Download link.

    We recommend that you validate the downloaded installation file using the RSA-256 checksum value shown in the details of the Local License Server.

Next steps

Create a Local License Server in the UI console if you’re setting up the Local License Server for a customer for the first time.

If you’re upgrading the version of an existing Local License Server for your customer, complete the upgrade steps.