Set up products

You can create and manage your preconfigured products using the 10Duke Scale UI console and the 10Duke Scale License Management API.

As an alternative to using preconfigured products, you can also define the product and features on the fly when issuing licenses.

Preconfigured products are always needed when issuing licenses using activation codes.

View products in the UI console

  1. In the left sidebar, go to LICENSING > Products.

    A list of your preconfigured products opens.

  2. To preview the product configurations in a product, click the arrow for the product on the left.

  3. To view and edit the details of a product and its product configurations, including the license models applied, click the pen icon for the product.

View products through the API

You have different endpoints available for retrieving information on your preconfigured products and product configurations, and on the features available in preconfigured products.

Use the following License Management API operations:

Operation URL (relative, prepend the environment base URL)
Retrieve products GET /products
Retrieve a product GET /products/{productId}
Retrieve features defined in products GET /products/features

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