Create 10Duke Scale Local License Servers

You can create 10Duke Scale Local License Servers for the end customers in the 10Duke Scale UI console.

Before you start

  • Make sure that the version of the Local License Server that you want to set up for the end customer has been enabled.

  • Issue a signing certificate. This allows the Local License Server to take the license token signing key with the certificate automatically into use when the Local License Server is created.

Create a Local License Server in the UI console

To create a Local License Server:

  1. In the left sidebar, go to LICENSING > Customers.

  2. Click the three-dot menu for the customer that you want to create a Local License Server to, and select Local license servers.

    The list of that customer’s Local License Servers opens.

  3. Click Create new to open the form.

    Create a Local License Server

  4. In License vendor display name, define the display name or brand of the license vendor for display purposes.

  5. In Installation Name, define the formal name for the Local License Server.

  6. In Description, enter a description for the Local License Server.

  7. In Required connectivity interval, select the time for how long the Local License Server is allowed to operate offline.

  8. In Version, select the version of the Local License Server that is provided to the end customer.

  9. Click Save.

Next steps

  • When the Local License Server has been created, activate the Local License Server for offline or online use by generating and downloading the activation token.

  • Issue the licenses.

  • If using the Local License Server in offline mode, export the licenses, and provide the license tokens to your customer for importing them into the Local License Server installation.

  • If using the Local License Server in online mode, provide the license keys to your customer.