Edit 10Duke Scale Local License Servers

You can edit the general settings of a 10Duke Scale Local License Server, create a new on-premise license token signing key for the Local License Server, and request a new certificate for the on-premise license token signing key.

Edit a Local License Server in the UI console

To edit a Local License Server:

  1. In the left sidebar, go to LICENSING > Customers.

  2. Click the three-dot menu for the customer whose Local License Server you want to edit, and select Local license servers.

    The list of that customer’s Local License Servers opens.

  3. Click the pen icon for the Local License Server you want to edit.

  4. Edit the Local License Server’s general settings in the same way as when creating a Local License Server.

  5. Click Rotate key to create a new on-premise license token signing key for the Local License Server.

    Note: Rotating the signing key deletes the existing certificate. To continue using a certificate for the signing key, you must request a new certificate.

  6. If you have not yet requested a certificate for the license token signing key, click Request a certificate.

    The name of the button changes to Check status after requesting the certificate. Once the certificate has been issued, the Issued label is shown.

    Edit a Local License Server