Get started
Start by signing up to get a 10Duke Scale account and subscription, and the login credentials for your first admin user.
After sign-up, you can set up everything you need for your licensing using the 10Duke Scale UI console and the APIs.
How you get your licensing all set up with 10Duke Scale depends on a lot of factors such as your licensing needs, the types of products you’re licensing, and any integrations needed to other systems, such as your e-commerce system or an identity provider.
See below for some basics to help you get started!
Step 1: Your product and business setup
From the product and business aspect, you need the following set up in 10Duke Scale:
Your preconfigured products. See how to create products. You also have the option to define product information for licenses on the fly when issuing the licenses.
Your B2B and B2C customers (the licensees). See how to create customers.
The licenses issued to the customers. See how to issue licenses. And yes—you can also use activation codes.
The license consumers who will use (consume) the licenses. See how to create license consumers.
In the case of B2B licenses, also grant license consumers access to the licenses as needed.
Step 2: Integration of your application
To learn how to connect your licensed software application to 10Duke Scale, start from this article here. It will help you understand what type of an application you’re connecting and how that affects your implementation choices in the integration.
To quickly recap the basics:
Your application needs to be able to handle license consumption by integrating to the 10Duke Scale License Checkout API, and to enforce the license on the use of the application.
If you’re interested in a no-code license checkout option, check out the licenses in the UI console and deliver the license tokens to customers. Note that your application is still responsible for verifying that the license token is valid, and enforcing the license in the application.
If your business case requires identity-based licensing, your application needs to handle user authentication by integrating with an external identity provider.
Your application needs to be able to authorize access to the 10Duke Scale APIs using a JSON Web Token (JWT) or a license key.
For offline use cases, the on-premise installation of the 10Duke Scale Local License Server product enables license management and consumption in your customer’s private network. Licensing using license keys in enforced consumption mode is supported in the Local License Server. Licenses with enforced quantity in 10Duke Scale can be exported to a Local License Server. In practice, 10Duke Scale generates a license token that specifies the quantity that was checked out, and this token can be transferred as a file to the Local License Server and used by end users to consume the license.
Step 3: Integration of your business systems
If needed, you can manage all your product and business data in 10Duke Scale from your business systems, such as a CRM or an e-commerce system, by integrating them to the 10Duke Scale License Management API.
Use the integrations, for example, to maintain your product information, onboard your customers and license consumers, and issue licenses based on your customers’ product trials and purchases.
Your business systems need to be able to authorize access to the API using the 10Duke Scale JWT token.
As an alternative to direct API integration, 10Duke Scale also provides event-based integration to FastSpring and Stripe.