View insights into licensing
The 10Duke Scale UI console provides views with insights and statistics over your whole licensing and per customer.
Note that the product-related statistics cover both your preconfigured products and the “ad hoc products” defined in feature licenses. See more information on product vs. feature licenses.
There may be some delay in how data shows up on the page, for example, how soon a new license checkout appears in the statistics.
View general insights
In the left sidebar, go to LICENSING > Insights to view insights and statistics over your whole licensing service.
The Insights page shows the following information:
Summary counts from your system:
The total number of customers, and how many of those are B2C (person) customers.
The total number of licenses, and how many licenses have a license key.
The total number of products used in licenses per consumption mode (enforced or metered).
The total number of license consumers.
Quantity distribution in products per consumption mode (enforced and metered):
How quantity of different types (seats, use count, and use time) is distributed to products.
For enforced consumption mode, the graph shows the quantity issued per product (for example, the total number of seats in licenses issued for a product).
For metered consumption mode, the graph shows the number of licenses with the particular quantity type per product.
For each quantity type, the top products based on how much quantity has been issued in licenses (for example, products with the highest seat count in licenses).
License consumption statistics per product for your selected time period: the number of checkout requests, the total quantity that was initially checked out, the number of release requests, and the total final quantity that was consumed from the license.
View insights per customer
To view insights and statistics on a specific customer’s licenses:
In the left sidebar, go to LICENSING > Customers.
Click the three-dot menu for the customer, and select Customer report.
The customer dashboard shows the following information:
Quantity distribution in products in enforced consumption mode:
How quantity of different types is distributed to products (for example, the total number of seats in licenses issued for a product).
The top products with the highest seat count in licenses.
The quantities of seats, use count, and use time in licenses with enforced consumption. For seat-based licenses this shows the quantity granted, and for use count and use time licenses this shows the currently available quantity.
The number of license consumers with access to the customer’s licenses.
Information on license utilization, seats per license consumer, and how much of your license quota is used by this customer.
License consumption statistics per product for your selected time period: the number of checkout requests, the total quantity that was initially checked out, the number of release requests, and the total final quantity that was consumed from the license.
You can download the data into a CSV file: select the time period and click Export.