View licensing usage

10Duke Scale provides features for viewing the status and usage of your licensing service.

View licensing statistics in UI console

In the 10Duke Scale UI console in LICENSING > Insights, you can view statistics, for example, on how your licenses and products have been used in enforced and metered consumption mode.

You can also view statistics on a specific customer’s license usage. Go to LICENSING > Customers, click the three-dot menu for the customer, and select Customer report. The customer dashboard shows, for example, what product and feature licenses the customer has, the total quantity available in the customer’s licenses (seats, use count, or use time), and the number of license consumers with access to the customer’s licenses.

Check license usage and availability through the API

In addition to API operations relevant to handling the license consumption workflows, the 10Duke Scale License Checkout API provides additional API operations for checking the usage and availability of licenses.

Check the current use of licenses

Check available licenses for a license consumer

Check what licenses a license consumer can access using the API operation GET /licensing/actions/describe-license-consumer-licenses.

Check available features for a license consumer using feature flags

To retrieve feature flags for a license consumer, use these API operations:

The feature flag API returns the product name and a feature breakdown. Requesting feature flags doesn’t consume any licenses.

Basic flow

A basic flow in an application only contains three steps, summarized in this diagram. Details such as how to verify JWT signatures are not included.

Basic application flow using feature flags

Example use case

A software vendor has a B2B customer who buys licenses to a product called ThreeDee in two different product configurations:

  • 3 seats to ThreeDee Basic

  • 5 seats to ThreeDee Pro

ThreeDee Basic has the features “render” and “shade”. ThreeDee Pro includes the same features and an additional feature “publish”.

All except one of the customer’s users have access to all licenses. This means requesting feature flags from the API per user provides a different response depending on what licenses the user can access.

The response for the users with access to all licenses:

Product name Feature list
ThreeDee render,shade,publish

The response for the user with access to only ThreeDee Basic:

Product name Feature list
ThreeDee render,shade