Delete products

You can delete your preconfigured products and their product configurations from the system.

The changes take effect immediately.


  • Do not delete a product configuration used by activation codes while the codes must be usable. Deleting a product configuration automatically deletes any activation codes that use it.

  • In the UI console, you cannot delete the only product configuration in a product.

  • If you have integrations in place for maintaining the product data, we recommend that you handle product deletion in the integrated external systems. Deleting a product from the UI console in 10Duke Scale can cause issues because the changes are not automatically updated to the external systems.

Before you start

Review your integrations to make sure there are no external dependencies on the product and the product configurations you’re about to delete.

Delete a product in the UI console

To delete a whole product:

  1. In the left sidebar, go to LICENSING > Products. The list of your preconfigured products opens.

  2. Click the trash can icon for the product you want to delete.

  3. To confirm the deletion, enter the (technical) name of the product and click Delete.

To delete a product configuration from a product:

  1. In the left sidebar, go to LICENSING > Products. The list of your preconfigured products opens.

  2. Click the pen icon for the product.

  3. Click the trash can icon for the product configuration you want to delete, and click Yes to confirm.

Delete a product through the API

Use the following License Management API operations:

Operation URL (relative, prepend the environment base URL)
Delete a whole product DELETE /products/{productId}
Delete a product configuration from a product POST /products/{productId}/configurations/{productConfigId}