Manage your account and subscription

As a root admin, you can manage your 10Duke Scale account and subscription, for example, to purchase more quota.

All admins can view the account and subscription information.

View and edit your account

You can edit the contact information of your 10Duke Scale account:

  1. Click the profile menu in the top right corner and select Account. The Account page opens.

    Account details

  2. Edit the contact information and click Save.

At the bottom of the page, Root user shows the admin who has root privileges to the account, and Cloud services shows the cloud service region and instance where your account is hosted and your API base URL.

View your subscription and purchase more quota

You can view your 10Duke Scale subscription details, and if needed, purchase more quota for products, license consumers, licenses, and API calls.

You can check your current quota usage on the Dashboard.

To view your subscription and purchase more quota:

  1. Click the profile menu in the top right corner and select Account.

    On the Account page that opens, Current subscriptions shows your subscription details.

  2. Click the Edit subscription icon for the subscription.

    Edit subscription

    On the page that opens, you see the list of packages available. The list shows what each package contains and what you have already purchased.

    When you purchase a package, the displayed monthly fee will be added to your current subscription fee.

    Purchase a quota package

  3. To purchase a package, click the shopping cart icon next to it, and confirm your purchase by clicking Yes.

    The quota is added to your subscription and you can start using it immediately.

    You can also remove a package from your subscription if you no longer need it.

    • If you have purchased a certain package multiple times, they’re removed one at a time.

    • Click the trash can icon for the package, and confirm the removal by clicking Yes. The changes take effect immediately.

View usage of subscription quota

In the left sidebar, go to SETTINGS > Dashboard to view how your account’s current subscription quota is being used.

The Subscription quota usage status section shows, for example, how many licenses you have issued out of your allowed quota, and how much you have used of your monthly quota of API calls.

View subscription invoices

Your 10Duke Scale subscription is automatically invoiced monthly from your selected payment method.

You can access your billing information from the UI console at any time, and download your invoices and receipts if needed.

To view your 10Duke Scale invoices:

  1. Click the profile menu in the top right corner and select Account.

  2. In Current subscriptions, click the cloud icon for the subscription.

    View billing and payment method information

    This opens the subscription’s billing and payment method information in the external payment provider. INVOICE HISTORY at the bottom of the page lists your invoices by date.

  3. Click an invoice to view it.

    A dialog opens where you can view more details, and open the invoice and receipt as PDFs for downloading.

Cancel your subscription

You can cancel your subscription, and reactivate it later if needed. The cancellation will take effect after the current subscription period has ended.

To cancel your subscription:

  1. Click the profile menu in the top right corner and select Account.

  2. In Current subscriptions, click the cloud icon for the subscription.

    Cancel subscription

  3. On the subscription page that opens in the external payment provider, click Cancel plan, and confirm by clicking Cancel plan again.

  4. When you return to the UI console, Current subscriptions shows the subscription status as canceled and the end date of the current subscription period, after which the subscription will end.

    End date of canceled subscription

When your subscription has ended, the subscription quota is set to zero, and you cannot, for example, create new data in the system.

If you want to reactivate your subscription, go back to the same subscription page (see above), click Renew plan, and confirm by clicking Renew plan again.

Terminate your account

If needed, you can request the termination of your account in 10Duke Scale. Account termination cannot be requested during the trial period.

The termination is done by 10Duke within 14 days.

Caution: If you choose to terminate your account, this will delete all data relating to your account, such as your products, customers and their licenses, and license consumers. This will also terminate your admin access to the UI console. You can use the 10Duke Scale License Management API to retrieve all your data before the account termination.

Only minimal account contact information is preserved in case we need to contact you. If you wish to have that deleted as well, contact 10Duke.

Before you start:

To request account termination:

  1. Click the profile menu in the top right corner and select Account.

  2. In Delete account, click Request account delete, and confirm by clicking Yes.

You can still cancel the request until your account has been terminated. Click Cancel request for account delete, and confirm by clicking Yes.

The account termination cannot be reversed, but you can create a new account if needed.