Manage your account

You can manage your account and subscription in the 10Duke Scale UI console.

See below how to sign up to get started.

See also how to set up your admin team and how to make changes to your account and subscription if needed, for example, to purchase more quota.

Sign up to 10Duke Scale

Sign up to 10Duke Scale to create an account and a subscription:

  1. Click Sign in to the Console in the documentation site header.

    This opens the UI console at

  2. Click Sign up to open the sign-up page.

    The page shows information on the baseline subscription content and pricing.

    After sign-up, you will be able to purchase additional quota for your subscription, for example, if you need more product configurations or license consumers than what the baseline subscription allows.

    You can check out the available options in advance: the sign-up page has a link to the pricing details.

  3. Define the details for your account and click Continue.

    Changing the account details after sign-up requires contacting 10Duke.

    The contact email address you define for the account is also used as the email address and the username of the admin user profile that will be created for you. You won’t be able to change the username after the sign-up has been completed.

  4. Enter your billing information and click Continue.

    Changing the country after sign-up requires contacting 10Duke.

  5. Select your cloud service region for hosting your account, select the subscription, and click Continue.

    When selecting the cloud service region, consider where your data is stored, and where your end users are located—a closer region means faster API response times.

    Note: The region cannot be changed after the sign-up has been completed. If a change in region is needed, you will need to create another 10Duke Scale account and terminate the original one.

  6. Confirm all your purchase details in the summary provided, select that you have reviewed the terms of service and the privacy policy, and click Proceed to payment.

    Secure 10Duke Scale subscriptions and payments are implemented using an external payment provider. 10Duke Scale doesn’t store credit card information or other sensitive information related to your payment methods.

  7. Enter your payment method details.

    Optionally, enter your phone number for the 1-click checkout feature, which allows the external payment provider to later fill in your customer information automatically based on SMS code verification. This makes it faster for you to later purchase additional quota for your account.

  8. Complete your sign-up by clicking Start trial.

Now you can log in and get started with setting up your licensing!

Log in

To log in to the UI console, navigate to or click Sign in to the Console in the documentation site header, and log in using your login credentials.

The UI console main page opens. In the top right corner of the toolbar, the profile menu has the options for managing your own admin profile and your 10Duke Scale account and subscription. The left-hand navigation has the options for setting up your products, creating your customers, and so on.

Main page of 10Duke Scale UI console

Log out

To log out, click the profile menu in the top right corner and select Sign out.

You’re also automatically logged out after being inactive for a while.