Manage license consumers
You can create and manage license consumers using the 10Duke Scale UI console and the 10Duke Scale License Management API.
Compared to managing license consumers of type person (users) and device, license consumers of type license key are somewhat of a special case. They are tightly coupled with a license: you don’t create them manually but rather as part of issuing a license with a license key, and deleting one also deletes the other. A key-based license can also only be consumed using the associated license key.
View license consumers in the UI console
To view all license consumers:
In the left sidebar, go to LICENSING > License consumers.
A list of all your license consumers opens.
To view the license consumers associated with a specific customer:
In the left sidebar, go to LICENSING > Customers.
On the customer list, click the three-dot menu for the customer and select License consumers.
A list of that customer’s license consumers opens.
View license consumers through the API
You have different endpoints available for retrieving information on license consumers. You can also retrieve license consumers based on association to customers and access to licenses.
Use the following License Management API operations:
Operation | URL (relative, prepend the environment base URL) |
Retrieve license consumers | GET /license-consumers |
Retrieve a license consumer | GET /license-consumers/{licenseConsumerId} |
Retrieve the license consumers associated with a customer | GET /licensees/{licenseeId}/license-consumers |
Retrieve the license consumers with access to a customer’s specified license container | GET /licensees/{licenseeId}/license-containers/{licenseContainerId}/license-consumers |
Retrieve the license consumers with access to a customer’s default license container | GET /licensees/{licenseeId}/license-containers/default/license-consumers |