Manage license containers

In 10Duke Scale, license containers hold the licenses that have been issued to customers.

License containers are customer-specific, and they are used to control license consumers’ access to licenses.

Each customer has one default license container. Licenses issued using the UI console are always stored in the default container. If no container is specified when issuing licenses through the API, they are also stored in the default container.

See also how to move licenses to another license container.


License containers are not visible in the UI console, and you cannot manually create and manage them from there.

Some UI operations affect license containers though: creating a customer automatically creates a default container for them, and deleting a customer also deletes their containers and all the licenses in them.

Manage license containers through the API

Use the following License Management API operations:

Operation URL (relative, prepend the environment base URL)
Retrieve the license containers of a customer GET /licensees/{licenseeId}/license-containers
Retrieve a license container of a customer GET /licensees/{licenseeId}/license-containers/{licenseContainerId}
Create a new license container for a customer POST /licensees/{licenseeId}/license-containers
Edit a license container of a customer PUT /licensees/{licenseeId}/license-containers/{licenseContainerId}
Delete a license container from a customer and all the licenses it contains DELETE /licensees/{licenseeId}/license-containers/{licenseContainerId}

Note: Make sure a customer always has one license container set as default.

Next steps

Grant license consumers access to the license containers and the licenses in them.

We recommend that your client application uses a regular heartbeat to make sure that license consumers cannot continue consuming licenses that have been deleted together with a license container. Even though license consumers’ license leases are deleted, from your client application’s point of view a lease remains valid until the next heartbeat.