Grant access to licenses
For a license consumer of type person (user) or device to be able to consume a license, they must have access to the license container where the license is stored.
In the UI console, granting access is straightforward. Associate a license consumer with a customer, and this grants them access to the customer’s default license container and the licenses it in. (The license containers themselves are not visible in the UI console.)
If your customers have multiple license containers holding their licenses, the 10Duke Scale License Management API supports more granular control over access to license containers.
The need to separately manage access to licenses depends on the use case:
Granting and revoking access to licenses is something that is typically needed with B2B customers, whose licenses need to be accessed by a number of users or devices.
In the case of B2C customers where the customer is also the user consuming the license, there’s no need to separately grant the user access to their own licenses. Creating the B2C customer automatically creates the license consumer of type person for the customer and grants them access to the default license container.
Access to key-based licenses is handled automatically—granting or revoking access to license containers has no effect. A license that has a license key can only be consumed using that license key. License consumers of type person or device cannot consume key-based licenses.
Note that moving a license to another license container also affects access to it.
The UI console only shows licenses in customers’ default license containers. If your customers have licenses also in other license containers, you can retrieve information on the licenses using the License Management API.
If you make changes in the UI console when you have integrations in place for managing license consumer access to licenses, those changes are not automatically updated to the integrated external systems. The changes will also be overwritten by any following updates from the external systems to 10Duke Scale.
Manage access to licenses in the UI console
In the UI console, you view and grant access to licenses in the scope of a particular customer. Navigate to the customer, and drill down to the license consumer information from there.
View access to licenses in the UI console
To view the license consumers (users or devices) that have access to a customer’s licenses in the default container:
In the left sidebar, go to LICENSING > Customers.
On the customer list, click the three-dot menu for the customer and select License consumers.
This opens a list of the license consumers associated with that customer.
The license consumer list is only intended for viewing and managing access for license consumers of type person and device. A license key generated for a license always has access to consuming that license.
To view more details for a specific license consumer, click the three-dot menu for the license consumer and select License use.
On the page that opens, you can view information on the licenses that this license consumer has access to from this customer.
This includes details about the products and features those licenses allow them to access, and information on the licenses they are currently consuming.
Grant or revoke access to licenses in the UI console
Associate a license consumer with a customer to grant them access to that customer’s default license container. For a new license consumer, you can do this when creating the license consumer.
To grant an existing license consumer (of type person or device) access to a customer’s licenses:
In the left sidebar, go to LICENSING > Customers.
On the customer list, click the three-dot menu for the customer and select License consumers.
Click Add existing.
On the license consumer list, click the plus (+) icon on the right for the license consumer (person or device) that you want to associate with this customer.
To revoke a license consumer’s access to a customer’s licenses in the default license container:
Go to the customer’s license consumer list as described above.
Click the minus (-) icon for the license consumer whose access you want to revoke.
Manage access to licenses through the API
The License Management API provides features for viewing and managing license consumers’ access to customer licenses.
In addition, the 10Duke Scale License Checkout API can retrieve a particular license consumer’s access to licenses.
View access to licenses through the API
You can use the following License Management API operations:
Operation | URL (relative, prepend the environment base URL) |
Retrieve license consumers that have access to a customer’s default license container | GET /licensees/{licenseeId}/license-containers/default/license-consumers |
Retrieve license consumers that have access to a customer’s specified license container | GET /licensees/{licenseeId}/license-containers/{licenseContainerId}/license-consumers |
Retrieve the license containers that a license consumer can access | GET /license-consumers/{licenseConsumerId}/license-containers |
You can also check a license consumer’s access to licenses using the following License Checkout API operations:
Operation | URL (relative, prepend the environment base URL) |
Retrieve the customers that a license consumer is associated with | GET /licensing/actions/describe-license-consumer-licensees |
Retrieve a customer’s licenses that a license consumer can access | GET /licensing/actions/describe-license-consumer-licenses |
Grant or revoke access to licenses through the API
Use the following License Management API operations to grant license consumers (users or devices) access to licenses or to revoke access:
Operation | URL (relative, prepend the environment base URL) |
Grant a license consumer access to a customer’s default license container | POST /licensees/{licenseeId}/license-containers/default/actions/grant-access |
Grant a license consumer access to a customer’s specified license container | POST /licensees/{licenseeId}/license-containers/{licenseContainerId}/actions/grant-access |
Revoke a license consumer’s access to a customer’s default license container | DELETE /licensees/{licenseeId}/license-containers/default/actions/revoke-access |
Revoke a license consumer’s access to a customer’s specified license container | DELETE /licensees/{licenseeId}/license-containers/{licenseContainerId}/actions/revoke-access |
Next steps
If you granted access to licenses, the license consumer can now start consuming the licenses.
We recommend that your client application uses a regular heartbeat to make sure that license consumers cannot continue consuming licenses they no longer have access to. From your client application’s point of view, the license consumer’s access to the license remains valid until the next heartbeat.