Set up a 10Duke Scale Local License Server for a customer
You can create and manage 10 Duke Scale Local License Servers using the 10Duke Scale UI console.
You can find instructions on how to use the Local License Server for testing purposes by logging in to 10Duke Scale console.
Before you start
- Make sure that the Local License Server has been installed.
View a Local License Server in the UI console
In the left sidebar, go to LICENSING > Customers.
Click the three-dot menu for the customer whose Local License Server you want to view, and select Local license servers.
The list of that customer’s Local License Servers opens.
To preview the Local License Server, click the arrow for the Local License Server on the left.
To view and edit the details of a Local License Server, click the pen icon for the Local License Server.
Create a Local License Server in the UI console
In the left sidebar, go to LICENSING > Customers.
Click the three-dot menu for the customer that you want to create a Local License Server to, and select Local license servers.
The list of that customer’s Local License Servers opens.
Click Create new to open the form.
In License vendor display name, define the display name or brand of the license vendor for display purposes.
In Installation Name, define the formal name for the Local License Server.
In Description, enter a description for the Local License Server.
In Required connectivity interval, select the time for how long the Local License Server is allowed to operate offline.
In Version, select the version of the Local License Server that is provided to the end customer.
Click Save.
When the Local License Server has been created, we recommend to issue a signing certificate and take the certificate into use in the Local License Server.
Generate a token for online activation of a Local License Server
In the left sidebar, go to LICENSING > Customers.
Find the customer whose Local License Server you want to activate, click the three-dot menu for the customer, and select Local license servers.
The list of that customer’s Local License Servers opens.
Click the three-dot menu for the Local License Server you want to activate, and select Activate online.
Click Generate Activation Token. A JWT token is generated.
Click Download Activation Token to download the activation token file.
Note: Download the token right away: you won’t be able to access it later.
Generate a token for offline activation of a Local License Server
In the left sidebar, go to LICENSING > Customers.
Find the customer whose Local License Server you want to activate, click the three-dot menu for the customer, and select Local license servers.
The list of that customer’s Local License Servers opens.
Click the three-dot menu for the Local License Server you want to activate, and select Activate offline.
In First name, enter the first name of the server administrator at the customer site.
In Last name, enter the last name of the server administrator at the customer site.
Click Generate Activation Token. A JWT token is generated.
Click Download Activation Token to download the activation token file.
Note: Download the token right away: you won’t be able to access it later.
Edit a Local License Server in the UI console
You can edit the general settings of the Local License Server, create a new on-premise license token signing key for the Local License Server, and request a new certificate for the on-premise license token signing key.
Before you start:
- We recommended that you issue and use signing certificates for the on-premise license token signing keys, and embed the trusted signing certificate(s) into your client application(s).
To edit a Local License Server:
In the left sidebar, go to LICENSING > Customers.
Click the three-dot menu for the customer whose Local License Server you want to edit, and select Local license servers.
The list of that customer’s Local License Servers opens.
Click the pen icon for the Local License Server you want to edit.
Edit the Local License Server’s general settings in the same way as when creating a Local License Server.
Click Rotate key to create a new on-premise license token signing key for the Local License Server.
Note: Rotating the signing key deletes the existing certificate. To continue using a certificate for the signing key, you must request a new certificate.
If you have not yet requested a certificate for the license token signing key, click Request certificate.
The name of the button changes to Check status after requesting the certificate. Once the certificate has been issued, the Issued label is shown.
Delete a Local License Server in the UI console
In the left sidebar, go to LICENSING > Customers.
Click the three-dot menu for the customer whose Local License Server you want to delete, and select Local license servers.
The list of that customer’s Local License Servers opens.
Click the trash can icon for the Local License Server you want to delete.
To confirm the deletion, enter the installation name of the Local License Server and click Delete.