Send a heartbeat to verify the license checkout
The heartbeat is used to verify that the license checkout is still valid, report on the quantity being consumed from the license, and reauthorize the use of the license.
You can perform a heartbeat on a license checkout through the 10Duke Scale License Checkout API.
When using the 10Duke Scale Local License Server product for offline use case, licenses can only be checked out using license keys. The Local License Server also requires that the client application sends exactly the same claims as when checking out the license.
For background, see an overview of the license consumption flow, and information on the best practices related to heartbeat.
Before you start
Make sure that the client application has access to the public key needed for verifying the license token in the heartbeat response.
Heartbeat request
A heartbeat request must provide the same client application claims as the license checkout.
If the license model binds the license consumption to the hardware on which the license was checked out, the cliHwId
value in the heartbeat request must match the one provided at checkout, or the heartbeat fails.
Heartbeat response
As a response to a successful heartbeat, 10Duke Scale returns a new JSON Web Token (JWT) license token. The client application needs to verify and validate the license token received at each heartbeat in the same way as at checkout.
The new license token contains the same claims as the token returned at checkout and an additional oldLeaseId
The leaseId
claim contains a new lease ID, and oldLeaseId
contains the lease ID from the previous license token.
Make sure to use the new lease ID for further interaction with the License Checkout API. The previous lease ID that the client has is no longer valid after a heartbeat.
Using the new and previous lease IDs, client applications that cache license tokens locally can implement a robust token replacement logic.
Example heartbeat response
This is an example of a successful response to a license heartbeat.
"iat": 1714987346,
"jti": "014865ff-3739-4357-a1ab-f7d86ebd20c8",
"iss": "10Duke",
"exp": 1751327999,
"nbf": 1714986679,
"toe": 1714987346,
"leaseId": "1714998146.djEuMC4w.e.YWZlYjBiMGRlNTk2NGQ4N2JhZDkyYTc5MzE2M2M2OWQ=",
"oldLeaseId": "1714997479.djEuMC4w.e.M2NjNWFjZjM1NzlmNDA0ZmIyYTljNjZkYjk4ODcyZTI=",
"hbnbf": 1714998146,
"productName": "ThreeDee",
"productConfigurationName": "ThreeDee Team",
"licenseId": "1fc8e4e5-1dcd-4db9-a45f-c1c0c724815b",
"qtyPrealloc": 0,
"qtyVerified": 1,
"qtyDimension": "SEATS",
"qtyEnforcementType": "ENFORCED",
"features": [
"licenseConsumerId": "dd30afb4-8417-2646-89bc-163e0e2f86ca",
"status": "success",
"clientClaims": {
"cliHwId": "xefainge8uiGhoo4aemieK1x",
"cliHwLabel": "MyDesktop",
"cliInstallationId": "644b92b9-23b0-42ee-a325-8dd9071f8d03",
"cliLang": "en",
"cliVersion": "1.0.1"
Send a heartbeat through the API
Use the following License Checkout API operations to send a heartbeat for a license that is being consumed by a license consumer of type person (user) or device or by a license key:
Item | URL (relative, prepend the environment base URL) |
Send a heartbeat in enforced mode for a user or device | POST /licensing/actions/heartbeat |
Send a heartbeat in enforced mode using a license key | POST /licensing/actions/heartbeat/{licenseKey} |
Send a heartbeat for the metered consumption of licenses for a user or device | POST /licensing/actions/heartbeat-metered-use |
Send a heartbeat for the metered consumption of licenses using a license key | POST /licensing/actions/heartbeat-metered-use/{licenseKey} |